

Exocytosis-Definition, Process And Types With Examples

What is exocytosis?

  • In contrast to Endocytosis, Exocytosis is a mechanism that utilises energy to transport substances from the interior of the cell to the outside. As a result, it is the reverse of endocytosis and a form of active transport. In this exocytosis mechanism, the cell content is often expelled to the outside of the cell by a particular vesicle that is attached to the cell membrane and contains cellular particles.
  • This system is used to transport proteins and hormones, remove waste from the cell, build the cell membrane, and communicate chemically between cells. The Golgi bodies, endosomes, and presynaptic neurons combine to generate the vesicles that are involved in exocytosis. Depending on their purpose, these vesicles might be either complete or transient vesicles when they fuse with the cell membrane.
  • During endocytic pinocytosis and phagocytosis, the cell membrane is generally injured, and the exocytic process strives to heal the cell membrane by transporting lipids and proteins to the membrane for healing activities.
  • Furthermore, it functions as the final phase in the transport, packaging, and insertion of protein complexes into the cell membrane.

Exocytosis mechanism in Summary

  • Exocytosis mechanism in summary involves
  • The movement of molecules from a cell’s inside to its membrane via a cell vesicle
  • After that, the vesicle bonds to the cell membrane.
  • Upon fusion of the vesicle with the cell membrane, the components of the vesicle could be discharged to the outside of the cell.

The Exocytotic Vesicle

  • Are the protein components seen in the exocytotic vesicle come from the Golgi complexes? Are these the destinations of proteins and lipids generated by the Endoplasmic reticulum?
  • Sorting and modifying proteins that are stored in secretory vesicles, which branch off at the trans face of the Golgi apparatus, is the job of the Golgi complexes.
  • The initial endosome, which is a membrane sac found in the cytoplasm of the cell, is the origin of certain vesicles which merge with the cell membrane yet may not all contact the Golgi apparatus. With the assistance of transport vesicles, the vesicle enters the initial endosome, then separates the ingested components into proteins, lipids, and bacteria before transporting them to their designated destinations with the assistance of transport vesicles. The waste products are subsequently transported to the lysosomes for degradation by the transport vesicles, branches of the early endosome that transport proteins as well as lipids to the cell membrane.
  • The vesicles on the synaptic terminals of neurons are another form of vesicle that does not come from the Golgi complex.

Types of Exocytosis

There are three pathways involved in the exocytotic process.

  • Constitutive exocytosis
  • Regulated exocytosis
  • Lysosome mediated exocytosis

Constructive exocytosis

With this kind of exocytosis, materials from inside the cell are removed, as well as proteins and lipids for membranes are delivered to the cell membrane. Every cell in the body uses this route the most frequently.

Regulated Exocytosis

  • The secretory cells that store hormones, digestive enzymes, and neurotransmitters frequently use this technique.
  • The development of secretory vesicles that can merge with the cell membrane over an extended period of time to allow the discharge of cell contents into the outside environment must be activated by extracellular signals in order to begin the secretion of these products. The vesicles are reformated and brought back to the cytoplasm after delivery.
  • For the most part, this mechanism relies on extracellular signalling to release its payload onto the cell’s surface.

Lysosome-mediated Exocytosis

  • Cell vesicles and cell lysosomes join together during this procedure.Digestive and hydrolase enzymes found in lysosomes break down cellular waste products, bacteria, and debris as part of their activity. The lysosome transports the fragmented elements to the cell membrane, where they merge with the membrane and discharge their constituents into the extracellular cell matrix.

Constructive exocytosis is the usual exocytotic process that occurs in four phases among the three routes outlined, whereas regulatory exocytosis happens in five steps.

The steps consist of:

  1. Vesicle trafficking:Under the assistance of motor proteins like kinesins, dyneins, and myosins, the microtubules of the cytoskeleton transport the cell vesicles to the cell membrane.
  2. Tethering:When the cell vesicles approach the cell membrane, they are drawn in that direction and finally come into contact with one another, which is known as tethering.
  3. Docking:When vesicles are attached to a cell membrane, the phospholipids in the vesicle membrane begin to merge with those in the cell membrane.
  4. Priming:In contrast to constitutive exocytosis, priming occurs during controlled exocytosis. For exocytosis to occur, changes must be made to certain cell membrane components that aid in the signalling mechanisms that cause exocytosis.
  5. Fusion:Exocytosis involves two forms of fusion: permanent (kiss-and-run) fusion and transient (full fusion). By using energy (ATP), complete fusion involves the merging of the vesicle membrane with the lipid cell membrane. Following the discharge of the cell’s contents, the vesicle membrane and also the cell membrane are divided, utilising energy. During transient or kiss-and-run fusion, the vesicle briefly merges with the cell membrane to permit the formation of the fusion pore for discharging the cell’s contents to the outside of the cell. The vesicle then detaches from the cell membrane, reforms, and returns to the cell’s cytoplasm.

Exocytosis Examples

  • Exocytosis is exemplified by the migration of glucagon from the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas to the liver, where it is converted to glycogen and then to glucose, which is easily absorbed. Glucose is delivered into the bloodstream after that.
  • Insulin and glucagon are stored in the pancreatic secretory vesicles of the islets of Langerhans. When blood glucose levels are low, the islets alpha cells emit glucagon, which is then transported into the liver cells via secretory vesicles and delivered via exocytosis for additional use and processing.
  • By means of exocytosis, the pancreas also secretes several digesting enzymes.
  • During another exocytotic event, a neurotransmitter-filled synaptic vesicle in the pre-synaptic neuron unites with the pre-synaptic membrane, discharging the neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft (the space between neurons). The post-synaptic neuron’s receptors can then attach to the neurotransmitters.

References and Sources

  • 10% – https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-exocytosis-4114427
  • 2% – https://www.coursehero.com/file/pj97lsd/The-neurotransmitters-bind-to-receptors-on-the-post-synaptic-cell-and-the/
  • 1% – https://www.yourhormones.info/hormones/glucagon/
  • 1% – https://microbenotes.com/endocytosis-definition-process-and-types-with-examples/
  • 1% – https://courses.lumenlearning.com/biology1/chapter/active-transport/
  • 1% – http://oregonstate.edu/instruction/bi314/summer09/golgi.html
  • <1% – https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6711754_Mechanisms_of_peptide_hormone_secretion
  • <1% – https://www.researchgate.net/publication/6247040_The_Forces_Behind_Cell_Movement
  • <1% – https://www.coursehero.com/file/p6pg6c4/2-membrane-of-the-vesicle-fuses-with-the-plasma-membrane-3-fusion-with-the/
  • <1% – https://wikispaces.psu.edu/display/Biol230WFall09/Intracellular+Compartments-+Exocytosis%2C+Endocytosis%2C+and+the+Lysosome
  • <1% – https://quizlet.com/7496792/pancreas-flash-cards/
  • <1% – https://quizlet.com/71522023/cell-biology-flash-cards/
  • <1% – https://quizlet.com/62356508/cell-bio-exam-4-flash-cards/
  • <1% – https://quizlet.com/205595149/neuronal-synaptic-biology-flash-cards/
  • <1% – https://biologywise.com/mechanism-of-receptor-mediated-endocytosis-explained
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