

Abdominal Cavity: Definition, Function, and Diagram

Definition of the Abdominal Cavity

The abdominal cavity is a cavity in animals’ torsos that lies between the thoracic and pelvic region divided by the diaphragm. The peritoneum is a protective covering that borders the abdominal cavity and functions in immunity, supporting organs, and fat storage.

As illustrated in the figure below, the abdominal cavity has been split into nine separate sections, with each organ not necessarily occupying just one. This compartmentalization aids in identifying disorders depending on the location of stomach discomfort in a person.

Organs of the Abdominal Cavity

The digestive, reproductive, and excretion organs are all located in the abdomen. Some of them are shown in the figure below. It’s important to remember that the rectum is a component of the pelvic cavity.

Abdominal Cavity Diagram

1. Stomach

Stomach sits in the upper abdomen on the left side of your body, the top of stomach connects to esophagus via a valve called the esophageal sphincter while bottom connects to the small intestine. The cardia, fundus, body, and pylorus are four areas of this thick-walled digestive organ. It transports food from the mouth to the diaphragm and into the stomach, followed by the duodenum, the first section of the small intestine. The stomach, which comes after the mouth as the second site of digestion in humans, is responsible for moving food around inside the body, mixing it with gastric fluids, and initiating protein digestion.

2. Liver

In the abdomen, this is the biggest organ. It is immediately beneath the diaphragm on the top right side of it. It is divided into two lobes by a ligament. The liver is essential in our body because it regulates blood glucose levels, generates bile, and more importantly detoxifies the blood.

3. Gallbladder

The gall bladder is related to the liver and is located underneath it. It collects and concentrates bile, which is subsequently transported to the duodenum for fat breakdown and absorption as required.

4. Spleen

The immune system includes the spleen. It has a role in the generation of white blood cells, the storage of platelets, and the destruction of dead red blood cells and toxic chemicals.

5. Pancreas

The pancreas is a part of the digestive system that generates vital digestive enzymes and insulin and glucagon, essential for glucose metabolism.

6. Intestine (Small)

The duodenum, jejunum, and ileum make up the small intestine, which is located between the stomach and the large intestine. It is a long, tube-shaped digestive organ responsible for digesting and the majority of nutritional absorption.

7. Intestine (Large)

The big intestine is the organ that receives undigested food. It comprises the cecum, colon, rectum, anal canal, and appendix and is U-shaped. Water and electrolyte absorption and the creation of excrement take place here.

8. Kidneys

On each side of the abdomen are the two kidneys. They provide vital functions in the body, including blood purification, urine production, excretion and water and acid balance maintenance. The ureters connect the kidneys to the urine bladder and are attached to each kidney. The adrenal glands on the kidneys generate vital hormones, including norepinephrine and anti-diuretic hormone (ADH). The adrenal glands play a role in kidney function.

Biological Terms That Are Related

• Cranial cavity: The space inside a skull in which the brain resides.

• Rib cage: A bony structure that contains and protects the lungs and heart and has 12 pairs of ribs.

• Thoracic cavity: This is the space where the rib cage, heart, and lungs are located in vertebrates.

• Trachea: The tube that connects the larynx to the lungs and transports air.

Related Questions

1. What organ store the bile in the abdominal cavity?

  • A. The gall bladder
  • B. The kidneys
  • C. The pancreas is the third organ in the digestive system.
  • D. The small intestine

2. Name a muscle that separates the abdominal and thoracic cavities?

  • A. The esophagus is a kind of esophagus that
  • B. Diaphragm
  • C. Lungs
  • D. Ribcage

3. Purpose of dividing the abdominal cavity into nine-region is?

  • A. To assist in the separation of the digestive and excretory organs.
  • B. To assist in the diagnosis of illnesses
  • C. So that each organ has its separate compartment.
  • D. To make studying human anatomy simpler for students

4. Name the largest organs in the abdominal cavity?

  • A. Spleen
  • B. Stomach
  • C. Large intestine
  • D. The Liver




Answers and Explanations

Q1. A is the correct answer. The liver produces bile but is stored in the gall bladder

Q2. B is the correct answer. The diaphragm is a muscle sheet that divides the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. It is located at the bottom of the thoracic cavity.

Q3. B is the correct answer. The presence of nine distinct zones aids in diagnosing disorders depending on the location of the pain.

Q4. D is the correct answer. The liver is the largest organ in the abdominal cavity and is located on the right upper side of the abdomen.


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