

Breathing Vs Respiration- Definition, 15 Differences, Examples

Breathing Vs Respiration Overview

Breathing Definition

Gases are exchanged during the biophysical process of breathing through intake and exhalation.

  • Because it is an external process of ingesting oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide through respiratory organs, breathing is also known as “external respiration.”
  • All vertebrates need a highly branching network of tubes to breathe, connecting the nose and the alveoli.
  • It is referred to as breathing or respiratory rate when someone breathes repeatedly in a minute-long cycle.
  • To maintain the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, numerous homeostasis systems regulate the pace and depth of breathing under normal circumstances.
  • Because the lungs cannot expand on their own, the mechanism of breathing includes the contraction and relaxation of a number of thoracic cavity muscles.
  • In humans and the majority of animals, the contraction of the diaphragm and the intercostals muscles causes the rib cage to move upward and outward, bringing about lung expansion.
  • Air is inhaled through the nose and then moves through the larynx, pharynx, and nasal channel on its way to the respiratory tree.
  • The trachea, which is split into multiple smaller branches, is where the respirator tree starts. Humans have roughly 23 branches, but a mouse’s respiratory tree might have up to 13 branches. This difference in branch count indicates how different organisms are.
  • Thus, the air travels via these branches before arriving at the alveoli.
  • In the alveoli, where the exchange of gases occurs, carbon dioxide from the blood diffuses into the alveoli and oxygen diffuses into the blood in the blood arteries.
  • When the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles relax, the lungs constrict, releasing carbon dioxide. Exhalation happens passively.
  • The air in the lungs is then forced up and out, returning to the environment via the trachea and nasal route.
  • Since breathing is a deliberate action, it consumes energy. Breathing issues might be caused by a lack of energy.

Respiration Definition

A biological process called respiration is utilised to liberate energy from organic substances, which is subsequently used for a variety of physical tasks.

  • As it is an inside process that breaks down complex chemical substances into carbon dioxide and water while generating energy, respiration is sometimes known as “internal respiration.”
  • Contrary to breathing, all living things also engage in respiration.
  • If all the reactants are present for the reactions, it is an automated process that happens without our knowledge.
  • All the mitochondria in the body’s cells are where respiration takes place.
  • As part of the metabolic process of breathing, glucose is oxidised with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water.
  • In the presence or lack of oxygen, breathing can take place.
  • Anaerobic respiration occurs when there is no oxygen present, whereas aerobic respiration occurs when there is oxygen present.
  • Cellular respiration involves catabolic processes, which convert complex chemicals into simpler ones.
  • The several enzymes that catalyse the various stages in the metabolic pathway are necessary for the process of breathing. These enzymes control how quickly and in which direction a process proceeds.
  • These enzymes can be found in the cytoplasm, on the inner and outer mitochondrial membranes, or both. Glycolysis enzymes are found in the cytoplasm, whereas Kreb’s cycle enzymes are found in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
  • Numerous cycles, including glycolysis, the Kreb’s cycle, and the electron transport chain, are involved in cellular respiration. Together, these processes provide a lot of energy and cause the oxidation of organic molecules.
  • Carbohydrates, amino acids, and fatty acids are the nutrients that organisms most often consume during respiration. Molecular oxygen is the most typical oxidising agent, but other compounds like sulphur and nitrogen can also be utilised.
  • Although the emission of carbon dioxide gas is the most common kind of respiration, other types of respiration, such as fermentation, are just as significant.
  • Alcohol is created primarily through fermentation. The manufacturing of cheese and other milk products depends on anaerobic respiration processes, including lactic acid fermentation and propionic acid fermentation.
  • Because it is primarily a passive activity and generates a significant amount of ATPs, respiration is a crucial metabolic function.

Key Differences (Breathing Vs Respiration)

Basis for Comparison Breathing Respiration
Definition Breathing is a biophysical process that involves the exchange of gases through inhalation and exhalation. Respiration is a biochemical process to release energy from organic compounds which are then used for performing different physical activities.
Process It is a biomechanical/biophysical process. It is a biochemical process.
Steps Breathing consists of two steps; inhalation and exhalation. Respiration consists of three steps; glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle and electron transport chain.
Voluntary or involuntary Breathing includes both voluntary and involuntary actions. Respiration is an involuntary action.
Active or passive Inhalation is an active process, whereas exhalation is a passive process. Except for some reactions in glycolysis, no other steps require energy.
Purpose Breathing provides oxygen to different parts of the body. Respiration produces a large amount of energy by the degradation of organic compounds.
Occurs in Breathing occurs in all vertebrates and some arthropods. Respiration occurs in all living organism present on the earth.
Energy Breathing doesn’t provide energy. Respiration results in the production of energy.
Enzymes No enzymes are involved in breathing. Several enzymes catalyze different steps of respiration.
Organs Breathing involves most organs of the respiratory system. Respiration occurs in the mitochondria of cells.
Intracellular or extracellular Breathing is an extracellular process. Respiration is an intracellular process.
Muscles Different respiratory muscles and diaphragm are involved in breathing. Muscles are not involved during respiration.
Regulation Breathing is regulated by respiratory muscles and diaphragm. Respiration is regulated by various enzymes.
Major activities The two major events during breathing are gas exchange and ventilation. The two major events during respiration are gas exchange and breakdown of complex compounds into simpler forms.
Metabolic reactions No metabolic reactions are involved in breathing. Respiration is a metabolic process with multiple reactions.

References and Sources

  • Waugh A and Grant A. (2004) Anatomy and Physiology. Ninth Edition. Churchill Livingstone.
  • 2% – https://www.britannica.com/science/human-respiratory-system/Chemoreceptors
  • 2% – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cellular_respiration
  • 1% – https://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-internal-and-vs-external-respiration/
  • 1% – https://www.differencebetween.com/difference-between-fermentation-and-vs-anaerobic-respiration/
  • 1% – https://wikimili.com/en/Breathing
  • 1% – https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-respiration-definition-process-equation.html
  • 1% – https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Respiratory
  • 1% – https://scienceaid.net/biology/biochemistry/respiration.html
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  • 1% – https://med.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Anatomy_and_Physiology/Book%3A_Anatomy_and_Physiology_(Boundless)/21%3A_Respiratory_System/21.5%3A_Mechanics_of_Breathing/21.5D%3A_Breathing_Patterns
  • 1% – https://biologywise.com/anaerobic-respiration
  • 1% – https://answersdrive.com/what-is-a-biochemical-pathway-of-cellular-respiration-that-is-anaerobic-5482918
  • 1% – http://www.scienceclarified.com/Qu-Ro/Respiration.html
  • <1% – https://www.merckmanuals.com/en-ca/home/lung-and-airway-disorders/biology-of-the-lungs-and-airways/exchanging-oxygen-and-carbon-dioxide
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  • <1% – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_mitochondrial_membrane
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